Wednesday, December 10, 2014


"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or naked and give you clothes?"  
and Jesus replied, 
"When you did this for the least of these you did it for me!"  
Thank you for teaching your children to care for others!  
Thank you for the many blessings that your children shine out to God's world! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Candles and Friends

We visited our PreK buddies today and began our Advent project with them!  We are going to see our buddies every week in Advent.  This week we made an ornament to celebrate HOPE!  The first candle of the season stands for HOPE!

All this year we have been following the promise of the Savior.  We began with the first sin on earth. Adam and Eve were given the hope of salvation.  They were to pass along the promise that God would one day save His people.  HOPE!  It was all the old testament people had.  They believed that God would keep His promise and He did!  On Christmas Day so long ago a tiny baby was born. God's plan was fulfilled in Jesus!  We continue that celebration in Advent.

The students will gather with their buddies again next week as we prepare our hearts for a wonderful Christmas celebration. The birth of a Savior who will redeem us all.  Jesus will make our relationship with God right again through His life, death, and resurrection! And like the old testament people we are learning about WE BELIEVE!!!