Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Goals for Thursday!

The students have 3 goals for the morning!

1.  Listen to their teacher say "WOW" every time she grades a reading workbook on Thursday!

This will happen if students...
...Complete any reading worbook pages that have Fix written on them, 
...and make sure today's work of pages 192 and 193 is fantastic!

2.  Dance with Mrs. Fritz 

This will happen if I have all Religion Books numbered 2 and 3 on Thursday morning.  

We are working on Book number 4, but I do not have Books 2 and 3 all of my students.
Students may need you to check Religion books they brought home today,
or if they wrote a note about missing a book, help them find it, check it over, & send to school Thurs.

3. Listen and Watch a story on the Big Screen!

This will happen if students read their AR books and pass the AR tests on Thursday!  

(One point books may take longer than one night to read)
Several students are trying to earn pizza certificates for December by passing 4 tests.
A few students have almost passed 10 tests to earn an AR point toward a $5 coupon of their choice.

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