Monday, April 14, 2014

Short Week Tender Feelings

We have a short week of school.  We will not have a spelling test this week.  St. John will not have school on Good Friday.  We will be back together for Easter Monday to share the love of our Lord.

Several students had tender feelings today which could mean they are fighting a cold or some sort of health bug that doesn't keep them home from school.  It is also a time in our spiritually lives where our students spend time thinking about the Lord's death and resurrection.  It is "good" to know that Jesus' death saved us from our sins, but as children they normally concentrate on our Lord's Resurrection from that death.  He Lives therefore, We Live!  If your student is more sentimental than usual it would be wonderful to take some time to find out what their thoughts are about this Lenten season.  Their perspective is quite different from ours.  Remind them of how we concentrate on our sins and Jesus' death during Lent, but that by Sunday we will all be celebrating the new life of Easter!

The Lenten Time and the Easter Season are central to the celebration of our faith.  Each part of the history of our faith is very important, but none as important as the Risen Lord.  It is my prayer that each of the students has the opportunity to attend all of this week's church services to help them learn and grow in their faith.


Reading Workbook 102 and 103
Memory Work is due Tuesday
Math #103
Spelling Test to Sign and Return
Report Card Slips to sign and return
Easter Cards to color (for Mrs. Fritz to mail)
Read for AR

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