Unit 29
Spelling Words
1. aim
2. snail
3. bay Vocabulary Words
4. braid 1. search
5. ray 2. contained
6. always 3. startled
7. gain 4. odd
8. sly 5. leaned
9. chain 6. tossed
10. shy 7. force
11. bright 8. grateful
12. fright 9.
13. tray
14. try
15. contain
16. thigh
Our reading story on space is quite interesting. We are investigating information about astronauts
through the internet! We have learned how they sleep, how they make a peanut butter honey sandwich, and how they wash their hair!
Our Health Unit is on medicines and drugs. Yes...beer, wine, cigarettes, pipes, chew, and even chocolate are bad habits that change the way our bodies work! I let your children know that they shouldn't worry about your bad habits or pester you to give up your bad habits. HOWEVER, I did let them know they should talk to you and that you would be honest with them! Remember...The best way to avoid a bad habit is NOT TO START ONE! Students need to be enouraged to REFUSE when you are asked. Each of us young and old should practice our response! Saying "No" leaves an opening for being teased and taunted. THEN WHAT DO WE DO?? We change the subject. If someone asks you to do anything you know is harmful to yourself or harmful to someone else you should change the subject. Try saying "I would rather _____________." (You can fill in the blank with something good you really like to do.) The next step that might be good is to walk away. Don't be pulled into a conversation about the bad habit!!
Memory (due Thursday)
Math #121
Reading Story
Health Review (do this outloud with a famly member)
AR (Use one of my books or a book from home. *The School Library is Closed)
Permission Slips for our trip to Wildwood in Minoqua were sent home today!
Walk-A-Thon Pledges are Due by Friday
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