Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lunches, Memory, and Fun

We dance!  I don't know if you know, but we dance almost everyday.  Please play Christian Rock music this summer and dance together.  I will play music, dance, and think of each of you!

We read!  We read everything, but maybe you don't know that we read outloud everyday!  We read with the voices of the characters.  We read smoothly and move the words right along like a recorded storybook!  We love to hear each other read.  Please read all summer!  Call your friends, read the same book, and talk about it as you read.  I will be reading too!  I will share books with my friends and talk about books.   When I read I will be thinking of each of you!

We continuously learn!  Learning doesn't stop in 2nd Grade for any of us.  Please try new ideas this summer, fail at them, and then keep practicing!  You will conquer new thoughts, new puzzles, new games, and new skills!  I will be doing the same when I take a college class and when I learn new computer skills this summer.  I will fail at first, but I will think of all of you and...
We will all KEEP TRYING!

HOMEWORK for Thursday is learning and signing our last Memory Verse,  packing a cold lunch, and maybe finishing some giraffe math.  Thursday we will celebrate earning our 20 point party.  We will have a class yearbook signing party.  We will listen to some of our favorite songs from the year and dance!

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