Thursday, September 11, 2014

Art, Camp Trip, & Homework

The students finished painting an Art project today.  If you find any paint on their clothing please use COLD water and dish soap to work on the stain before you wash it.  Mrs. Germain stressed being careful, and I didn't see any stains.  However, please use COLD water and soap before washing to get any stains out of clothing.

We completed our first crossword puzzle in their reading workbooks.  This is a difficult task for students.  I did mine on the board and they followed along step by step.  The puzzle should not have any capital letters.  If the letter is p or g it needs to hang down out of the bottom of the box.

Everyone also worked on adding subjects together today.  This workbook page was completed verbally and then we worked on one sentence at a time.  The students surprised me when I realized they were not using a captial letter for all of the names on the page.  Please remind them that all proper names begin with a captial letter.  They will end up with 10 capital letters and 5 periods.


Finish drawing and coloring 6 pictures in their Religion Booklets on page #6. (Due Fri.)
Work on rereading the 3 Religion Stories so far.  Remembering to work on fluency.
     (Creation & the 1st Sin, The Great Flood, and God's Promise to Abram)
Checking and completing Reading Workbook pages 15 & 16 (Due Fri.)
Study Spelling Words for Unit 1 (Test Monday)
Read for AR (Test Friday)

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