Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Page Numbers and Guinea Pigs

Page Numbers

     If you had been in Chapel with us every week since school began you would have seen great growth. The second graders are beginning to get the idea of finding their own pages!  This skill of finding page numbers is very useful!  It helps keep us on task in the classroom and in church.  It also helps us think about the amount of a number and where it falls in relationship with other numbers.
For instance.....
     Where is page number 42 if I am on page number 127?  Is it forward or backward?  Is it one page turn away or a bunch of pages away?  Do I need help to find it before the task begins?

     Keep working on page numbers in different books.  Pull out a big dictionary and give the page finding game a try.  Your family can always take a trip to the library and use a really big book to explore page number fun.  The whole family can have a page finding race.  

Guniea Pigs and Health Class

    Our guinea pig, PatPat, is experiencing stress.  He has such a trouble handling change that he loses his hair behind his ears.  It comes out in patches and leaves bare skin.  Poor PatPat missed the students and their stories this weekend.  He stayed at school and was cared for by Mr. B., but he just couldn't take the lonely classroom.  The solution a guinea pig uses to tell people he is tense, worried, and lonely is hair loss.  The cure is fairly simple! PatPat gets big doses of Vitamin C, lots of time being held wrapped up in a towel, and many stories read to him.  It is sort of like when the students are sick.  
     Our Health book is helping us read and talk about how we handle stress, worry, happiness, and tension.  We have shared the idea that we all need to do something with those emotions.  The class came up with ideas like talking to someone, tossing a ball, kicking a soccer ball in the yard, punching a pillow,  or even yelling a loud noise to let out that feeling and be able to move on.

     If you have a moment we would like to know what you do with emotions at your house. They do not need to be sad feelings.  Our good feelings need an outlet too!  Usually it comes with a smile, a hug, giggles, or playing a game.  Pastor Hoelter challenged all of us to hug eachother today!  He said we NEEDED to be reminded of a very important fact..... Our God Loves Us! He is right!  Hugs, smiles, and the love of the Lord are sorely needed in our homes, our famlies, and the whole world! 

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