Tuesday, January 27, 2015

skimming, scanning, looking, & searching

Sometimes learning is difficult to watch.  Learning sometimes means struggling through the process that becomes part of our being.  Hopefully the struggle of skimming, scanning, looking, and searching through Religion History - Unit 3 can take place in your house with an abundance of patience!!!

You might guide them to the correct story and then...Please show them a word to "scan" the page for. Let your student do the searching.  They are fantastic kids trying to come to grips with a new skill. Allow them guide you to the correct story too and see if they can tell you a word to "scan" the page for.  If we walk them through the process throughout this semester of school they will gain a skill that can last them a lifetime.  If we do this task for them they will continue to struggle to glean information out of materials in the classes they encounter.  This is not about the Religion Grade it is about mastering a new concept.

Maybe the title of this blog should have been Learning to Breath!  As adults it is hard to watch the learning struggles of our children.  We want to fix everything for them, but if we guide, breath, guide, and breath they will master those new skills!  
And oh the joy of seeing their success!!!!!  

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