Wednesday, December 10, 2014


"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or naked and give you clothes?"  
and Jesus replied, 
"When you did this for the least of these you did it for me!"  
Thank you for teaching your children to care for others!  
Thank you for the many blessings that your children shine out to God's world! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Candles and Friends

We visited our PreK buddies today and began our Advent project with them!  We are going to see our buddies every week in Advent.  This week we made an ornament to celebrate HOPE!  The first candle of the season stands for HOPE!

All this year we have been following the promise of the Savior.  We began with the first sin on earth. Adam and Eve were given the hope of salvation.  They were to pass along the promise that God would one day save His people.  HOPE!  It was all the old testament people had.  They believed that God would keep His promise and He did!  On Christmas Day so long ago a tiny baby was born. God's plan was fulfilled in Jesus!  We continue that celebration in Advent.

The students will gather with their buddies again next week as we prepare our hearts for a wonderful Christmas celebration. The birth of a Savior who will redeem us all.  Jesus will make our relationship with God right again through His life, death, and resurrection! And like the old testament people we are learning about WE BELIEVE!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gifts....Grand Gifts

My husband is a great outdoorsman.  He really knows that if you teach someone to fish you can keep them fed for their whole life.  Learning is the same way....if you want to encourage reading you give books!  You have done that for us!! 

In chapel today we learned that Jesus is always looking for our actions of helping other people! He is proud of our efforts to give to others!  This might cause you ask "When did we give you books?"  It is such a good question.  You gave the St. John classrooms books when you purchased any item at the Mother's Club bookfair.  The Mother's Club uses portions of their profits to buy books the teachers have requested for their classrooms.  The picture shows the books you gave to the 2nd grade room!   THANK YOU!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Fine Trip

We went to the Grand Theater with our PreK buddies.  The performance of "Harold and the Purple Crayon" was captivating.  It was done with screens, lighting, and theatrical magic.  The buddies sat together on the bus as we traveled to Wausau and back.  They read stories and drew their own pictures. It was a fine trip with an exceptional bunch of students.

The Veteran's Program was attended more than 100 people.  The students sang and gave respect to the veterans!  All of the St. John students were given a pencil for being such wonderful examples to others and showing great care for the veterans.

The Book Fair continues to make our week full of fun and learning.  We will visit the school book fair on Thursday morning.  Today we watched a video to introduce some of the books and authors.  The whole school is also playing Book Fair Bingo with the book titles using a story written by an upper grade student.  The story is read in small parts each day by our librarian, Spring W.!  We can't wait to know which class wins Book Fair Bingo!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Clay, Friction, and God Given Rolling Pins

The students have been working with clay in Art.  It is a product called Sculpy.  They needed to make the clay plyable with the heat from their hands.  The clay had to be the right thickness to press the leaf designs into the clay and cut around it with clay tools.  Today they added the idea of making small pots.  Clay needed to be made plyable with heat from their hands and then chunks of that clay were rolled out with our palms to make ropes.  The ropes wind up the edges to create the sides of the pot.  Then the students needed to smooth out the edges and the cracks.

We are like that clay.  We are made plyable everyday by the love of the Lord, and the devil is hard at work to make our clay sag, become too thin, and break.  The Lord is always there to remold us and make us strong.  The Holy Spirit keeps us close to God through incredible faith!  Jesus will smooth our sin out and give us hope!  "Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness."

Art, Science, and Faith all in the same project!  We were indeed busy learning today!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Busy Day! A Great Day!

The students had an interesting thought today.  What if we tried not to erase anything on the white board for whole day?  What if we left as much up on the board as we could?  Would we be able to fill it with our ideas, thoughts, and then show it on the blog?

Well, it took some clever thinking and some things did get covered up by pieces of other projects. However, for the most part this picture shows pieces of each subject including math, handwriting, beginning thermometer skills, time to the half hour, social studies, language, story comprehension, character traits, our blessings and even our Memory work!  Each time I look I find a piece of something else we worked on during the day.  Mrs. Samuelson decided to place her sign language game board on the closet doors in the back of the room.  We all thought that was a wise move.  

The picture also shows that we made it to 20 points!!!!!  We are going to celebrate having 20 outstanding moments of grandness as a class by watching a movie.  Mrs. Fritz will buy our whole class popcorn to eat with the movie on Friday afternoon!  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, Oct. 13th

The Daily Homework Sheet has a list of each evening's homework.  The sheet was created to help you notice the pattern of homework in second grade.  This is the same pattern throughout the school year.  If you need an extra copy of this sheet please let me know and I will get one out to you right away!  You can also find a copy in your student's boomarang folder.

We are all excited about the Bazaar on Wednesday morning.  This event even fits into our Reading Story and Social Studies concepts of using your money wisely.  Our Reading Story this week touches on budgeting for a large project.  You are going to love the creativity of the principal in the story. Students will be bringing "Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble" home on Tuesday to read outloud to you!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Rocks and Leaves

We created our own version of metamorphic rocks today.  Those rocks are created in God's world by incredible pressure and heat.  Our rocks were rather fun to make!  Please ask your student about our time in science.

Pressure and heat were also used in second grade art yesterday.  The students had to knead clay to make it plyable and then use a leaf from God's creation to press into a thin layer of clay.  You will be able to see our designs after they are baked and painted.

Fall is an awesome time to rake leaves, make leaf piles, and run through leaf piles.  I hope you get a chance to enjoy all three!

The Bazaar is next Wednesday.  Your child doesn't need very much money in order to purchase cookies, plants, bookmarks, or crafts.  We window shop together as a class and then the kids get to spend some time making purchases.  It is nice for us to be able to mingle with congregation members and enjoy a break from the normal routine.

Today we met our PreK buddies!  Everyone went outside to play together and find out something about eachother.  The first thing we learned as second graders is that there are more PreK students than their are 2nd graders.  It is a encouraging partnership.  We will do more with our buddies through out the school year.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Outloud Readers are the Best Readers

We are working to make connections in our brains.  We call it our super highway.  Reading outloud is a fun way to store words, ideas, and research.  It also helps with character development and the comprehension of story plot.  This week we used the knowledge already stored on our super highway to generate information about spiders.  The students filled the whiteboard with information!!!  We could share a lot about these creatures.

Our journal writing is also about spiders but it takes our information and gives it a twist.  How would life be different if the students were spiders?  Would their names be the same?  Where would they live?  What would they like to do in their spare time?  Would they be friends with cats, dogs, or even guinea pigs?  What would scare them?  The ideas began to flow and the writing is awesome!  I have been impressed by the imaginations of the students and the creativity they show in their journal writing.  On Monday we will work on pictures to go with the stories and then during the week we will be publishing our writing and illustations.

Art ideas have connected our Fall leaves to animals.  Mrs. Germain worked with the students to construct hedgehogs.  The students will tell you about their design and how it was made.  Here are some snapshots of the final product!  Look for the black noses and then their eyes to find the animals.
They will look even better in the hallway without the tinfoil they are drying on!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Page Numbers and Guinea Pigs

Page Numbers

     If you had been in Chapel with us every week since school began you would have seen great growth. The second graders are beginning to get the idea of finding their own pages!  This skill of finding page numbers is very useful!  It helps keep us on task in the classroom and in church.  It also helps us think about the amount of a number and where it falls in relationship with other numbers.
For instance.....
     Where is page number 42 if I am on page number 127?  Is it forward or backward?  Is it one page turn away or a bunch of pages away?  Do I need help to find it before the task begins?

     Keep working on page numbers in different books.  Pull out a big dictionary and give the page finding game a try.  Your family can always take a trip to the library and use a really big book to explore page number fun.  The whole family can have a page finding race.  

Guniea Pigs and Health Class

    Our guinea pig, PatPat, is experiencing stress.  He has such a trouble handling change that he loses his hair behind his ears.  It comes out in patches and leaves bare skin.  Poor PatPat missed the students and their stories this weekend.  He stayed at school and was cared for by Mr. B., but he just couldn't take the lonely classroom.  The solution a guinea pig uses to tell people he is tense, worried, and lonely is hair loss.  The cure is fairly simple! PatPat gets big doses of Vitamin C, lots of time being held wrapped up in a towel, and many stories read to him.  It is sort of like when the students are sick.  
     Our Health book is helping us read and talk about how we handle stress, worry, happiness, and tension.  We have shared the idea that we all need to do something with those emotions.  The class came up with ideas like talking to someone, tossing a ball, kicking a soccer ball in the yard, punching a pillow,  or even yelling a loud noise to let out that feeling and be able to move on.

     If you have a moment we would like to know what you do with emotions at your house. They do not need to be sad feelings.  Our good feelings need an outlet too!  Usually it comes with a smile, a hug, giggles, or playing a game.  Pastor Hoelter challenged all of us to hug eachother today!  He said we NEEDED to be reminded of a very important fact..... Our God Loves Us! He is right!  Hugs, smiles, and the love of the Lord are sorely needed in our homes, our famlies, and the whole world! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Electronic Homework & Reading

The students brought home the new Unit 4 Spelling Words.  The list is also below.  I am hoping to have some responses to the new electronic homework option.  This is great to teach the students to use technology for a bit of studying.  I am glad all of my families are learning to post to the blog.

1.    doze
2.    nose
3.    use
4.    rose
5.    pole
6.    close
7.    cute
8.    woke
9.    mule
10.   rode
11.   role
12.   tune
13.   home
14.   joke
15.   wrote
16.   ice cube

Optional Homework:
*Find some silent e words & share them in an email to the teacher or on our blog
*Try a new way to study your words & share your idea in an email to the teacher or on the blog

We have been working on the reading idea of Fluency which involves Rate (speed), Phrasing (not reading one word at a time), and intonation (using a character's voice). The story today "Diary of a Spider" gives us a chance to practice all three!  When we read outloud in class as a group and then outloud with a partner we really enjoyed this story!  Reading it outloud is more fun and it only took us 10 minutes to read through the story (not rushing).  Our class pet loves a group of students reading a story outloud to him.  It is by far one of his most favorite times of the day!  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall, Art, & Science

We continue to have fun with the story "Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon".  The students have learned about the fall colors of red, yellow, orange, and brown.  We talked about why those colors are replacing the green colors of spring.  The leaves are using material from the tree to stay green.  The colder temperatures signal a tree to slow down making nutrients (sap) and get ready for winter.  The tree doesn't continue to give the leaves nutrients to stay green.  They begin to lose the green color and their fall colors remain until the leaves turn brown.

Mrs. Germain worked with our theme.  We created leave rubbings using leaves from two different Maple trees, a Birch tree, and an Oak tree.  The students connected the acorn nuts I gave them to the leaves of the Oak tree.  Our hallway is getting full of wonderful art and creative stories!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Chapel Families, Memory, and Fall

The story your students brought home to read on Tuesday was "Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon."  We talked about leaf colors, the fall season, and the yellow moon.  Since the moon does not have light of its own to "shine" it takes on the glow of the sun at certain seasons of the year.  The yellow moon of Fall is one of those times.

We used those Fall colors today to create a type of mosaic.  Your student can tell you how these fall color master pieces were created.

We have also been working on creation pictures for Religion class since the first week of school. Those pictures & what we like about our drawings of God's creation are hanging in the hallway too.  

The students create journal entries in their notebooks and I publish those with the picture they drew. Our latest stories involve a little girl named Carla and how she helps a neighbor with her pet cat. Carla's mother notices how responsible her daughter has become and offers to let Carla have her own pet.  What will Carla pick?  Check out our drawings and stories in the hallway to find out!

Check sentences in Handwriting books pages 19 and 21.
    Look for wonderful letter formation, sentence structure, and correct spelling
Study Spelling Words for Unit 3
Say and Sign Memory Work
Finish Dot Pictures
Read for AR

Monday, September 22, 2014

Pride in our Veterans and Homework

The entire school is busy making greetings for veterans.  Mr. Hulke is the veteran our school sponsored last year.  He is going on the Fall Honor Flight.  One of the ways respect is shown to the soldiers on the flight is to have an old fashioned "mail call".  The veterans are given their mail.
Mr. Hulke will be getting a bunch of mail from St. John students.  The second graders finished their gift to Mr. Hulke and then they went above and beyond the assignment.  They finished making extra items for other soldiers on the honor flight who might not be getting mail.  THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE SECOND GRADERS FOR THINKING OF OTHERS and SHINING WITH GOD's Love!

Please check over our reading workbook pages up to page 31
Sign Spelling Unit 2 Test & Return on Tuesday
Sign Memory Work (Due Tuesday)
Read for AR
Study New Spelling Unit 3 Words

Friday, September 19, 2014

Rocks and Homework

Thank you for having fun with our blog as we rhymed Spelling Words and counted money. I was glad to see the posts and also some emails from the 2nd grade families.  It is a fun choice to practice some electronic homework for an optional way to learn.

We had fun with rocks this week.  We sorted rocks by color, size, shape, weight, and even by sparkle. We also tried to make them fall apart.  Rocks that are soft fall apart easily.  The ones that are considered "hard" do not easily fall apart and some of them don't seem to fall apart at all.  Please ask your student what tools they used to check their rocks for hardness.

Read AR book 
Begin Learning New Memory Verse (Due Tuesday)
Read Religion pages 7 and 9 with someone to review this weeks stories
Check Religion puzzle sheet for spelling.  Capital letters are needed for names and places.
     (We did this puzzle sheet together in class today!  Please check it, fix it, & return it on Monday.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Another Fine Second Grade Day of Learning

We are working on finding the pages in the hymnal and in our classroom books. Please keep quizzing your students and playing "find page number ____". This skill is improving and the students are smiling because they can find the pages we need to use.

Our Math series begins with some reviewing.  We have homework on our fact page #9 and on the Homework sides B for page #8 and page #9.  This work should move along for your students.  They are confident in their skills.  
       I would like you to have some fun counting money with your students.  How many different ways can you make 20 cents? (Electronic Homework - Please respond to this blog post with your answers. Due on Friday evening)

We have all enjoyed having the AR tests available right away in the morning.  It is part of our morning procedure time.  Students change their shoes for gym, bring in their material, unpack their homework, and grab and ipad to take their test!  Our morning procedures also include 3 students completing the Calendar Board.  If your child is in Thursday's row they will be anxious to get here early enough to do the tasks tomorrow. They will need to know 4 different ways to make 13 cents with some pennies, nickels, and a dime.

7 Students brought in items for the food pantry today!  I will match those items and bring in my own donation.  Tomorrow the students will take my items to the food pantry shelves by the office.  I am glad all of you are willing to help other families in our city!  You have the "Nerve to Serve" one another.  It is such a fitting way to follow our theme for the school year.

Please respond to this blog with 3 words that rhyme with your spelling words for Unit 2
     (your student has the list in their boomerang folder)
How many ways can you use coins to make 20 cents

HOMEWORK Due Thursday

Math - Fact side 9B and Homework #8 & #9 
     (We did side A together and they had work time for side B.)
Spelling - Review Unit 2 words
     (Try making speghetti noodles, cooling them off, and creating the words)
Reading Workbook - pages 21 - 25
Page 22 is the biggest one to check over.  We did numbers 1, 2, & 3 in class.  Problems 3, 4, &5 need the students to write more detailed sentences with correct spelling.  
           An example would be...
                   Without Feelings                               Feelings Added                        
               #3.  I live with my family.            I happily live with my loving family.      
Memory - Review and Sign for Tuesday
Read for AR - Please be ready to take a test on Thursday morning

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Art, Camp Trip, & Homework

The students finished painting an Art project today.  If you find any paint on their clothing please use COLD water and dish soap to work on the stain before you wash it.  Mrs. Germain stressed being careful, and I didn't see any stains.  However, please use COLD water and soap before washing to get any stains out of clothing.

We completed our first crossword puzzle in their reading workbooks.  This is a difficult task for students.  I did mine on the board and they followed along step by step.  The puzzle should not have any capital letters.  If the letter is p or g it needs to hang down out of the bottom of the box.

Everyone also worked on adding subjects together today.  This workbook page was completed verbally and then we worked on one sentence at a time.  The students surprised me when I realized they were not using a captial letter for all of the names on the page.  Please remind them that all proper names begin with a captial letter.  They will end up with 10 capital letters and 5 periods.


Finish drawing and coloring 6 pictures in their Religion Booklets on page #6. (Due Fri.)
Work on rereading the 3 Religion Stories so far.  Remembering to work on fluency.
     (Creation & the 1st Sin, The Great Flood, and God's Promise to Abram)
Checking and completing Reading Workbook pages 15 & 16 (Due Fri.)
Study Spelling Words for Unit 1 (Test Monday)
Read for AR (Test Friday)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Interesting Insights

Rereading information is so important.  The students are bringing home the story "Henry & Mudge" to reread to you.  (It is not very often that we have the luxury spending 8 school days on our Reading Story.)  You will notice our fluency (rate of reading) sounds more like a story than a one word at a time fresh reading.  You will hear our character voices and 3 word phrasing.  If you do not hear these traits please begin to work on them when you read together with your child each night.

Locating pages is an interesting event.  Please use their Reading Book tonight and write down the number of a page you want them to find.  You can guide them with words like "turn the pages forward"  or "you need to go backward".  You can provide helpful suggestions like "turn more than one page at a time" or "do you think page number 14 would be in the back of the book or close to the front of the book".  The students need to practice the skill of finding pages.  I am hoping to have your help practicing this skill a couple times a week or more.  Please don't wear down your students, but 5 minutes of practice each time will definitely help us improve this skill.


Say & Sign Memory Work (Due Thursday)
Reread "Henry & Mudge"
Practice Spelling Words for Unit 1
Locate Pages in a Book
Read AR book
Finish Any Homework
*Find a rock to bring to school by Friday morning

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Conversations with Patrick and Spelling

This is our class pet.  His name is Pumpkin Patrick, but we call him PatPat for short.  He is 5 years old, and he loves to talk to the students and staff at St. John.  PatPat does not make noise unless his feelings are hurt or someone is not behaving.  He loves to hear the stories students write, tell his own stories, and give advice.  You need to listen with your heart to hear him.  Sometimes he needs a Guinea Sitter.  Two of the students got to help out today and be Guinea Sitters.  PatPat is glad this is a small class so he has more time with each student in second grade!

Unit 1 Spelling Words

1.     sad
2.    jam
3.    glad
4.    flat
5.    mask
6.    as
7.    pad
8.    dig
9.    stick
10.   list
11.   win
12.   if
13.   fix
14.   rip
15.   kit
16.   his

These are the Spelling Words for our first test.  The test will be on Monday, Sept. 15th.  We will also have a Unit 2 Pretest on Monday, Sept. 15th to help you know which words your student needs help learning.

If you know words that rhyme with our Spelling Words please post them on this blog and share those rhyming words with all of us!  We will all appreciate help finding rhyming words because we will need to use them during each spelling unit.

Friday, June 6, 2014

It Ended

Hollis shared this picture of the bunnies they found in their garden.  They are quite a team of brothers and sisters.  They have grown since this was taken.  The bunnies are probably ready to leave the nest now.  Ready to have new adventures just like this year's second grade students.

The school year has ended.  It went by quickly and then ended just as it should.  There were tears, joys, giggles, and smiles.  Your students are ready for third grade!  They need to begin new tasks, expand ideas, and have more experiences.
Summer has started! That is a good thing.  The baseball season has begun.  Camping weekends, cook outs, playing tag until darkness falls, catching lightning bugs, and having a game of catch in the yard. The memories that are made in the next couple of months are grand life adventures even if it means you played board game, a card game, or made popcorn and watched a movie.  We are all so blessed!!

Thank you for sharing your children with me for 9 months of their lives.  They are forever wrapped in my heart, prayed for often, and cherished.  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lunches, Memory, and Fun

We dance!  I don't know if you know, but we dance almost everyday.  Please play Christian Rock music this summer and dance together.  I will play music, dance, and think of each of you!

We read!  We read everything, but maybe you don't know that we read outloud everyday!  We read with the voices of the characters.  We read smoothly and move the words right along like a recorded storybook!  We love to hear each other read.  Please read all summer!  Call your friends, read the same book, and talk about it as you read.  I will be reading too!  I will share books with my friends and talk about books.   When I read I will be thinking of each of you!

We continuously learn!  Learning doesn't stop in 2nd Grade for any of us.  Please try new ideas this summer, fail at them, and then keep practicing!  You will conquer new thoughts, new puzzles, new games, and new skills!  I will be doing the same when I take a college class and when I learn new computer skills this summer.  I will fail at first, but I will think of all of you and...
We will all KEEP TRYING!

HOMEWORK for Thursday is learning and signing our last Memory Verse,  packing a cold lunch, and maybe finishing some giraffe math.  Thursday we will celebrate earning our 20 point party.  We will have a class yearbook signing party.  We will listen to some of our favorite songs from the year and dance!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Memory Work and Field Trip

Memory Work is Due on Tuesday and Thursday!

Please wear a T-Shirt for protection from the sun.
Please wear tennis shoes.  Flip Flops are not appropriate for this trip.
Any sunscreen or bug spray must be applied at home.

Mr. Steffen, Mrs. Krueger, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Knospe, Mrs. Wiesneski and Alexa's Aunt are in charge of small groups as we enjoy the animals at Wildwood Park.  We are all looking forward to this last trip of joyful adventure in God's creation!

We will have time to sign yearbooks in our classroom!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Lunches, Sunshine, & Memory Work

I marked the 2nd grade menu sheets with the 3 days we need to bring COLD LUNCHES.  I hope we will be having an enjoyable field trip and sack lunches on TUESDAY.  However, since our raindate is so close to the last day of school we will need to bring a sack lunch on THURSDAY!  The menu sheets also list the school kitchen as closed for the end of the year cleaning on the last day of school and we will need a sack lunch on FRIDAY!

Some students really needed to be pushed along today, but they should only need to learn Memory Verses over the weekend.  One of the Memory Verses is very close to a song we learned this year.  Students may choose to sing the song for 1 John 3:1 if they would like to!

God has given us Sonshine and sunshine!  
I hope you enjoy the weekend surrounded by His Love and His Sonshine!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Singing, Bases, and Astronauts

Our astronaut videos today were well informative.  We learned what happens to tears when an astronaunt cries in God's weightless creation!  All of us watched the video about.....well....
being sick in space.  Everyone was encouraged to use kind words that really let someone know what you need without being gross!  The students agreed it was nice to say "being sick" and that we all understood what that meant.  The last video we viewed today was about being outside the space station on a space walk.  It had so many facts that we had to watch it a few times.  Ask your students about donning and doffing.

The Woodchuck Base Race ends tomorrow!  It is the last day to "run the bases" by passing AR tests.  It is the last day to take any AR tests for this school year.  The computer lab will close for the summer on the last day of school and your student will not be able to take an AR test until next September.  PLEASE make use of the TB Scott Library Program in Merrill.  It is an incredibly detailed summer of events, rewards, and fun at the TB Scott Library!!!!

Singing!  Songs in the Gym!  This event is one of the last times that our students are together to enjoy one another's talents!  It was an awesome time of harmony, pride, and friendship.  The lower grade stduents were listening to the vocal talents of the 4 - 8th graders.  The 2nd graders especially liked the songs that were sung with smiles, volume, and movement!  I am proud of the abilities of every group! Mr. Schultz was right when he reminded us to think of our blessings!

HAPPY ASCENSION DAY!  Easter occured 40 days ago and now we are like the disciples wondering what to do next.  Our Lord is in heaven!  The message is to get busy!  Spread the gospel!  Help and Love everyone in His Creation!  Forgive and move on to the Love He has for Us!!!

Math #123 only Side A of the sheets
AR - last day to take tests is Friday
Walk-A-Thon pledges are due Friday
Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday
Art - dandelions are due on Friday

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Astronauts, Pledges, and Work

An astronaut on the space station showed us how to brush his teeth.  He (Chris Hadfield) also showed us what happens to the water in a washcloth when you wring it out.  It is an answer you would not expect!  We watched him eat dessert and drink coffee today too!  Living in outerspace at the International Space Station is truely different.  It is full of amazing ideas and experiences.  God's imagination is certainly wonderful!  He created a weightless outer space for us to explore.

If you have pledges collected it is time to return your sheet and your pledges.  Our end of the year field trip is scheduled and the permission slips went home on yesterday.  Please send back both of these items by Friday.  The students will need 3 sack lunches next week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday).

I have all of the reading workbooks.  They are already graded for today!
I have all of the Math Fact Sheets #122 and they are graded!
9 students need to finish "Breakfast with Jesus" pictures.
Only 4 students took home Math Work #122.
Only 4 students took home Religion page 12.
Only 2 students took home Handwriting cursive letter H.
MEMORY is due Thursday
AR (Friday is the last day for tests)
Chapel is on Thursday this week as we celebrate Ascension!